District Board of Ministerial Development
Hundreds of people are being called to serve the Kingdom as ministers of the Gospel. Many of them are second-career, non-traditional students in the Northwest District who are looking for accessible ways to complete their educational requirements.

Student Resources
Updated 2025 Resources
Sometimes the pathway to credentialing can feel confusing and unclear. We've provided you with the resources below to help equip you and make the process clear. For questions email info@northwestdistrict.org.

The Candidate Process
Whether you want to pursue Permanent Licensed Minister status or Ordination, complete the initial steps below.
Initial Candidate Steps
1. Complete Initial Forms.
Complete DBMD #1.
Have 4 people complete DBMD #2 reference form.
Complete a background check.
Submit a picture of yourself so the DBMD can put a face with your name.
Initial interview with the DBMD.
Completed forms can be submitted to the District Office.
Or mailed to The Northwest District
721 26th St W, Williston, ND 58801
2. Register with the Education and Clergy Development (ECD)
Once you enroll, TWCHub is where you can look up pastor contact information and access your transcripts to see what classes are needed.
3. Submit your transcripts
Courses from accredited institutions or denominational course of study programs may be used to grant credit for ordination requirements. Have your official transcripts emailed to education@wesleyan.org or mailed to: Education and Clergy Development, 13300 Olio Rd., Fishers, IN 46031. They require the first and last submissions from an institution to be official transcripts, directly from the school. While attending, periodic submissions may be unofficial, sent by the student. Credits will be posted on ministerial preparation transcripts and can be viewed online at your record in the Student Portal.
Ongoing Credentialing Process
Submit your Annual Service Report (ASR).
Annual interview with the DBMD.
Complete DBMD #3 annually.
Supervised Ministry Credit
All ordination candidates must have some form of supervised ministry credit. Satisfy at least one of the options below to earn ministry credit.
The Northwest District now offers a self-paced Supervised Ministry experience for FREE!
Complete a Supervised Ministry course through a Wesleyan University or Approved Seminary as part of an academic program.
Complete a Supervised Ministry course through Kingswood Extended
Submit for equivalent experience by assessment to Kingswood Extended
Pathways to Ministry
Ministerial students will find that they have several options to complete requirements for credentials including attending one of our Wesleyan Colleges/Universities, approved seminaries, FLAMA, district extension, Kingswood Extended, or Cross Training courses. Hundreds of people are being called to serve the Kingdom as ministers of the Gospel. Many of them are second-career, non-traditional students who are looking for accessible ways to complete their educational requirements. This page explores several pathways available to complete your academic training for credentialing in The Wesleyan Church.
Degree Pathways
These Education Pathways are approved to meet education requirements for the respective Credential Pathways in The Wesleyan Church. Approved education pathways must include Wesleyan History & Discipline and Doctrine of Holiness course electives if they are not already included in the program requirements.
Non-Degree Pathways
There are several non-degree course options you may choose from to fulfill educational requirements for licensing/ ordination in The Wesleyan Church.

Ordinations & Transfers
If you're completing your process toward ordination as a minister of the Wesleyan Church, congratulations! The guidance below will help you take the necessary final steps toward ordination.
If you are transferring to the Northwest District, or to the Wesleyan Church, we recently updated our transfer process. Please follow the instructions in the link below.

The Northwest District of the Wesleyan Church is blessed to have many seasoned, wise, and tenured men and women serving in the development of new ministers of the Gospel. These important roles ensure a sound ministerial development process for tomorrow's pastors.
Chairman Rev. Marc Sundstrom | Rev. Cheryl Arguello | Melodie DeVel | Rev. Todd Lynch | Rev. Wayne Mueller | Rev. David Rannabargar | Rev. Jessica Schmerse | Rev. Bob Solon
Katy Kinnan
Rev. Bob Solon - Chairman (2025)
Rev. Chopper Brown (2026), Melodie DeVel (2024) | Mitchell Jenkins (2024) | Rev. Jennifer Tillman (2025) | John Thomas (2024)
Rev. Todd Lynch - Chairman (2025)
Rev. Cheryl Arguello (2025) | Rev. Paul Baughman (2024) | Rev. Jamie Groneberg (2024) | Stephen Martin (2025) | Joanna Shulaw (2026)
Rev. Marc Sundstrom - Chairman (2025)
Reed DeVries (2024) | Rev. Serenity Miller (2025) | Rev. Mandi Smith (2025) | Rev. Steph Tague (2025)
Rev. Jessica Schmerse - Chairman (2025)
Rev. Mike Cline (2025) | Chris Hayes (2024) | Rev. Malloree Norris (2025) | Rev. David Rannabargar (2024) | Pam Woods (2026)